IHRSA 2019 Profiles of Success
Based on data gathered in the annual Industry Data Survey (IDS), the 2019 IHRSA Profiles of Success provides benchmarks and other operational and financial data for select leading clubs. Included are key metrics such as revenue, membership growth and retention, traffic, payroll, non-dues revenue, and EBITDA. Club reinvestment and profit center analysis as well as income statement and balance sheet data are also provided.
A total of 98 firms, representing 10,859 clubs, participated in the IDS. As this report will show, club performance results varied by segment. Clubs part of a chain reported greater revenue growth (+7.1%) than independent clubs (+3%). On the other hand, independent facilities posted a retention rate of 73.2%, while clubs part of a chain indicated a retention rate of 62.3%. Fitness-only clubs generated significantly less revenue per individual member ($582 in comparison with larger clubs at $842.40).