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The Secrets of Health Club Financing: A Starter Kit

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  • The history of the health club sector is a fascinating study in how an industry’s business model can be a protean entity, a continually evolving set of principles and standards that defy easy categorization. Entrepreneurs are, by nature, risk takers. But they also need to follow practical, realistic guidelines.

    To stay in business and grow your influence to make a difference, you need a plan. You need to understand the market, manage a feasible business model, and keep careful track of your ledgers. While you don’t need a Harvard MBA, you do need to understand the foundational principles of financing a small business.

    This e-book will provide you with an updated primer on what you need to know to become a successful health club owner. We’ll look at the nuts and bolts of financing, key performance indicators (KPIs), revenue options, pricing strategies, risk management, and other elements of today’s health club business model.